Wednesday, 27 January 2016

100 Word Challenge By Pinky Week #4

              The Lucky Penny            
On a very sunny, beautiful day, I was skipping with joy to get the mail, but a very shiny object glimmered. Leaning in to get a closer look, I realized it's a penny. For a second, I found myself day dreaming how winning the 1 million lottery will be with this lucky penny. Although sadly, no luck has been approaching me, but later that day when walking my dog Katy. Suddenly, in her obnoxious, loud voice, she kept historically barking at a shadow. I looked around until an object caught my eye. It was unbelievable, it was treasure. 

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

100 Word Challenge By Pinky Week #3


Mount Everest, 8,848m above sea level, this was my final destination. Everything was packed, even an umbrella, although it will be snowing. As we are flying over the peak, it felt like the plane floated in the air. When I stared at the magnificent sunset, I noticed the red and pink clouds that soon turned into bright yellow stars.

After what felt like a eternity, I was ready to begin or was I? Unexpectedly my courage evaporated like smoke and fear surrounded me. We only have one life. I thought to myself, and so I began, placing one foot on the hard, rocky surface.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

100 Word Challenge By Pinky Week #2

    The Lock In

 At the last minute, I grabbed what my hands could hold and headed toward the cashier. As I joined the queue leading to the cashier, suddenly a thought popped in my head.I forgot to get my mom a Christmas gift.

So I turned around and ran toward the Christmas section, there were so many fascinating gifts.Man, the time was running out though, so I quickly grabbed a box of chocolates. While I was doing that, the bright lights turned to pitch black and the air conditioners were silent. No one was in the store except me. By now I realized that I will be missing Christmas.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

100 Word Challenge By Pinky Week #1

 The Perfect Cupcake

Once upon a kingdom, on Valentine's Day the queen of hearts was born. Although, she had no manners at all.

27 years later, 
" What do you want for lunch queen Emily?" one elf asked, out of a thousand, and they are all her hand size, can you believe it? "Cupcakes with marshmallows and cinnamon with icing, and one more thing, you better hurry up or I will rip your little elf ears off!"

15 minutes later,
"Hurry guys, the time is running out, get that cinnamon straight and let's go!" cried an elf frankly.
"Ooooohhhhh good, just in time for lunch.